Pallet racking
They are one of the most common warehouse solutions in the industry. They allow you to solve a number of issues in warehouse logistics. When you need quick access to any pallet space, pallet racking makes it available at any storage level in any section of the warehouse. The design of pallet racks is collapsible and easy to assemble.
Purpose, design and technical characteristics of pallet racks
✅The universal racking system is designed for storing various types of products on EUR (800×1200 mm) and FIN (1000×1200 mm) pallets, as well as auxiliary and special loading devices, and containers (containers, boxes, barrels), and other forms (oversized cargo, rolls, etc.).
✅Due to its design features (a wide range of elements, ease of installation and operation), as well as the ability to create an individual configuration according to customer requirements, the universal racking system can be used in all industries, warehouses, logistics complexes, trade, etc.
✅Designed for storing products in transport (on pallets), wholesale and retail packaging in logistics, trade and distribution centers and supermarkets.
✅Corrosion protection: powder polymer coating.
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ДСТУ EN 15512:2015 "Stationary steel warehouse systems. Collapsible pallet racking systems. Principles of design of structures"
ДСТУ EN 15620:2015 " Fixed steel warehouse systems. Collapsible pallet racking systems. Tolerances, deformations and gaps"
ДСТУ EN 15629:2015 "Stationary steel warehouse systems. Technical specifications for warehouse equipment".
ДСТУ EN 15635:2016 " Stationary steel warehouse systems. Operation and maintenance of warehouse equipment "

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- Conventional pallet racking
- Drive-in pallet racking
- Shuttle pallet racking
- Mobile pallet racking
- Pallet flow racking
- Push back pallet racking
- Special structural elements
Wide aisle pallet racking or conventional pallet racking is a flexible solution in means of logistics and functionality. Direct access to each pallet, comfortable stock control, steady and reliable construction with wide range of load capacity and height, numerous additional accessories and low price are key advantages of this type of racking. There is also a capability to combine racking with shelving and special temperature conditions exploitation features: freezers up to -30 C, refrigerators, outdoor warehouse, aggressive environment.
Study our racking properties, compare different options and pallet racking practices. We will gladly assist you in decision making.
The Drive-in (Drive-through) racking is a racking construction for single type goods with long term warehousing and slow turnover. This type of racking is often used in cold store and freezers. Using Drive-in racking is a perfect solution for seasonal demand goods warehousing, ones requiring special conditions, or for additional stock collection of the same SKU. The drive-in racking provides maximum warehouse area use.
Please study the properties of racking, compare different options on a pallet racking practices page of our web site.
We are ready to assist you in making your choice, which will transform your ideas in to real projects.
Pallet racking with shuttle system. Compare different options and pallet racking apply practices. We will gladly assist you in decision making, which will give your idea a breathe of life.
Pallet racks with a Shuttle module are similar to Drive-in and Drive-through racks by its' key functions. The movement of a pallet inside the rack I carried out by a remote controlled device, which lifts up, transports and loads pallets. The transposition of the shuttle module is carried out by a forklift, which picks the pallet. The shuttle device has rechargeable batteries onboard. The rack system can be used in low temperature conditions in warehouses with cooling and freezing equipment.
Mobile pallet racking is a specific warehouse logistic solution, designed for long goods handling with maximum space saving. These goods require much more room for warehousing then packed or palletized goods. As the warehouse area becomes more rare and expensive resource the intensive logistic solutions with reaching maximum capacity benchmark become critical.
Mobile pallet racking on a driven mobile platform to provide dense warehousing and space saving, increasing the volume of goods to be warehoused to up to 80% by reducing the number of isles to one. The moving platform, bearing the racking, is driven by a motor on special rails, mounted to the floor.
The loading of a pallet in to a pallet gravity flow racking is executed from one side. Later then the pallet moves through the roller conveyor under the gravity on a controlled speed. The picking of pallets is executed on the opposite side of the racking. The pallet flow racking secures FIFO loading principle.
The bearing construction of a pallet flow racking is based on a reliable pallet racking system by IMVO. The roller conveyor is built in the drive-in pallet rack. These conveyors secure permanent speed movement of goods through the channel from the input to the picking point. Specific conveyor elements provide a pallet movement slow down, stopping and direction. Due to a tight warehousing the pallet flow racking may reach a 60% higher area use rate than the conventional wide isle pallet racking. The loading and picking areas separation increases the operational productivity.
The Push back racking is a variety of pallet flow racking. The efficient warehouse area boost is achieved due to decreasing the number of isles between racks.
The Push back rack provide s LIFO loading principle. Loading and picking is carried out on one side of the rack. The first pallet is placed on a roller rail. The second pallet pushes the first one inside the rack. There are two options of push back racking configuration: the ones with roller rails and with carts. The loading depth with rollers can reach 6 pallets while the racking with carts – up to 4. The system is comfortable for warehousing of pallets with average turnover rate by handling two and more pallets of the same type. The push back racking is often combined with different options of flow racking, designed for collecting and picking of goods optimization.
P&D Stations. When the pallet rack is temporary full, the redundant pallets are usually loaded near the frames aside the rack on the floor. This makes goods handling more difficult because of the aisle is occupied by pallets and there is a risk of damage to the goods by a forklift. The P&D stations secure space for two additional pallets per each level. While using the P&D stations the aisle remains free of any obstructions and forklift loaders cannot collide with goods.