Building materials warehouse

The feature of building materials warehousing lays in several aspects. The first aspect is heavy loads. Building materials, especially constructive and facade elements possess heavy weight and a load per one pallet may reach over 1000 kg. Therefore to store these goods there are enforced racking systems used, bigger profile of uprights and beams with use of thicker steel sheets. 

Second aspect is diversity of sizes and physical features of goods. This aspect is critical for wholesale and retail building materials shops, selling a wide range of goods from dry mixes to decorating elements. Packed bags, cables, profiles of different length, liquid mixes, tools, chip boards and other sheets require respective warehousing equipment to store on a limited area. For heavy profiles there is horizontal warehousing on heavy duty cantilever racks, while for light goods, in means of saving area, the special solutions on shelving of racking can be applied with both horizontal and vertical loading. 

Third aspect – warehousing conditions. The goods of constructing purpose may be stored in a heated building as well as in a cold building of outdoor. For outdoor racks the additional roofing can be applied, which protects goods from weather conditions. 

The last but not the least aspect is safety. The personnels safety, the warehousing equipment safety and the goods safety are subject to individuals solutions. Additional structure protectors, loader protection and goods protection are necessary attributes of building materials warehousing.

Sales department:
+38 (032) 297-04-50
+38 (032) 297-09-56
+38 (032) 297-04-79
[email protected]



Relying on the wide experience, IMVO company offers the following solutions to efficient, dense and safe warehousing of building materials and engineering. 

Racks for long goods. IMVO offers standard racking systems for long goods horizontal warehousing as well as special solutions for horizontal and vertical warehousing. Cantilever racks with roofing option available for outdoor use.

Racks for DIY supermarkets. When there is a need in simultaneous warehousing and exhibiting or picking of various goods, combined racks with accessories are applied. IMVO has experience in providing solutions for DIY supermarkets with use of various panels, dividers, cantilevers, frames etc.

Goods on pallets warehousing. For a mono type goods on pallets IMVO offers a wide range of pallet racks and accessories, made specifically for building materials warehousing. Our racks secure reliable and safe warehousing in heights up to 14 m.

Reels, barrels and coils warehousing. I case of unconventional goods warehousing, like reels, coil, barrels of tires, the sections of pallet racks are used with additional accessories, or, if those are not suitable, we apply special structures. We have experience in designing of such structures – bar racks for coils, which can be integrated in existing rack or be installed separately.