Mobile pallet racking

When it comes to choosing between building a new warehouse or looking for opportunities to increase the capacity of an existing one, mobile warehouse pallet racking can solve this problem.
✅Significant reduction in energy costs when storing products in freezers and refrigerators.
✅Saving costs for warehouse maintenance

IMVO manufactures and supplies reliable mobile warehouse racks.

Advantages of IMVO mobile warehouse racks:

❇Reliability is confirmed by successful implementations on thousands of square meters;
❇The control system is based on electronic components from leading European manufacturers;
❇Ease of use due to the use of the Siemens operator panel with a graphic touch screen;
❇Possibility of telemetry of system operation via the Internet;
❇Maximum protection of employees through the use of multi-beam light safety barriers by Sick;
❇Optical sensors of mobile bases are reliably protected from damage;
❇Gear motors with a service life of 10,000 operating hours without maintenance.