"ІМVО" Value Chain:
In close cooperation with our customer we create solutions, which will secure customers' logistics success. Our Value chain shows a key element of IMVOs' business philosophy – understanding the customers' needs and its fulfillment is the basis of whole value creation process in the rapidly changing market environment.
Close cooperation with the customer secures browsing the best solution to warehouse logistics tasks. On customers' request, IMVOs' experienced experts analyze goods flow character, determine the type, weight and dimensions of the load, and measure the building of a future warehouse. If the customer has no warehouse plan view, our engineers can draw it by the measured marks, made on site. IMVOs' engineers will transform the gathered information in to the technical data sheet.
Sales department:
+38 (032) 297-04-50
+38 (032) 297-09-56
+38 (032) 297-04-79
[email protected]

Goods flow characteristics and structure analysis. Weight and dimensions of goods identification. Warehouse building examination. Warehouse areas estimation. efficient warehouse area use advising. Customer oriented team, which you can rely on during whole project. For help and assistance just contact us.
Efficient warehouse equipment layout design thanks to CAD systems: we guarantee relevant SKU number – the plan and the result always match. Individual design and adaptation of constructive elements according to the warehousing properties. Search for most suitable and cost-saving solutions, which will work for your benefit. Your investments will always be efficient. We pay attention to all details of environment, which may influence on safety and reliability. Following strict rules of Safety standards: you can be assured in our solutions' reliability. Individual approach: inquire your most needed service now.
Safety and accessories In case there is a need in special constructive or technological elements, we can design and produce them.
Shipment and installation in time. Thanks to reliable packaging the product is always delivered in best condition. Designing, legalization and commercial documentation performance will wake your experts' admiration.
Operation condition inspection during warranty period and after. Rapid supply and replacement of parts: you investments work non-stop 24/7. We offer reconfiguration and disassembling of racking equipment. Continuous innovations in design, manufacturing and service will provide you a long and stress-less exploitation.