Drive - in

IMVO offers well-thought-out solutions for all types of warehouses, including equipment designed for the same type of goods with low turnover - a type of Drive-in rack, such constructions provide quick access to the assortment and save space.

Picking methods

A warehouse or a DC with manual handling can be an efficient part of business process or it can be a real challenge. It all depends on many issues, in particular – right handling method choice and accordance with the goods features. The special attention should be paid on the picking process. In logistic hubs, this issue is most critical. For estimating the requirements for a picking method, the distribution center or

Safe warehouse = efficient warehouse

The warehouse efficiency is one of the mainest success factors. However, the safety, especially staff safety is not less important as the efficiency and the efficiency cannot be reached without safety. The upsetting statistics claims about 2% of all fatal excidents at work make ones inside warehouses.

Licenced warehouse by IMVO

INVO Company has completed equipping a licenced warehouse with racks for high pallet loading.